Sunday, July 20, 2014



Have you ever heard Tulamben Beach are no less interesting also to Amed Beach? If you have never heard of Tulamben beach now I will give a little information about Tulamben. Tulamben is one of the famous tourist attraction with the best diving sites, the location of corals, fish, and a wreck (wreck) in Tulamben, Kubu district, Karangasem regency dive to make it so, his name can be equated with the Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi and Bunaken , North Sulawesi. Being one of the favored places with underwater beauty, so here are also already available insfratuktur support in both the tourism industry that hotels, restaurants, a variety of diving information center and tour service.
Located about 100 km from Ngurah Rai Airport or about 3 hours away by car towards the eastern part of the island. This place is indeed one of the best diving sites in the Indonesian archipelago, the European travelers are usually most fond of the recreation of this, so it is not surprising that many foreign tourists from France, Switzerland, Spain, German, Dutch. They spend their days in Tulamben to see the diversity of underwater life.
Travelling on Tulamben underwater panorama watch as exotic fish swim milling about in front of the eye, colorful coral reefs, of course, a rare and interesting sights to be seen. Destination for tourism in Bali, especially for recreational underwater diving wrecks main goal is (wreck points). We just swam over to the middle. While watching well into the subsurface water. We'll get to see the stern of the ship sank due to torpedo shot belongs to Japan in the first world war.
The top part of this ship is only as deep as three feet of the surface. The depth at this place a maximum of 30 meters. If you have a hobby of diving or diving, Tulamben this attraction would be a pity to miss, because other nearby places are also great for diving and the beauty of the rising sun is the Amed coast. You can also rent fishing boats for recreational fishing purposes. 

Contact this email: , if you want to visit Tulamben. I will help you.

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